Spring is already 1month on the go. But the temperatures are far from stable know. There have been days where it was 20°C and know it’s around 8°C here. There is one plus, it’s been fairly dry.

The test.

I have ridden the Miche chain for some more kilometers than I normally do. And It struck me how much more wear it has. I did had a few days with rain, but I didn’t expect these outcomes. See the picture below and you can see the big differences between the Miche chain(134.2mm) and the Shimano chain(133.5).The KMC chain was on my bike so not in this picture.


Here’s a shot of how the cogs know look and also the chainring. Note on the chainring, some tooth are worn out more than the others.

Of course the test still continues. The chains still shift well, but you can feel the difference when riding with a fresh set. I don’t have any problem with the chains skipping over the cogs. And the chain doesn’t fall of my chainring as well. Currently I’m riding with the KMC chain.

Here’s a recap:

Shimano = 3750km (Measures, ±133.5mm)

KMC = 3800km (Measures, ±133,4mm)

Miche = 4000km (Measures, ±134.2mm)

Cassette & Chainring = 11700km

And here are some pictures, just to show you all what I’m currently doing for the commuter bike. Carbon brake (Magura) bracket for the back. And a carbon seatpost/saddle.

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